Tuesday 24 January 2012


1) To make up an effective performance actors use a combination of body language and facial expressions as well as varying the tone, pitch and volume of their voice. For example in Good Will Hunting Robin Williams used a lot of hand movements as he begins to get into the story he is telling. When he becomes more excited he stands up and jumps around as if to reenact out the memory he is speaking about. He also closes his eyes a lot as if to reminisce in the memory he's telling, and always has a small content smile when he talks about his wife. When he gets to an exciting part of the story his volume increases and becomes quicker and a higher pitch.

2) All the attributes that the actors bring to the screen effect me as an audience member because they make it a lot more believeable. They use the kind of facial expressions and different gesters that people would use as if it was really happening which involves the audience member even more, creating a connection between the actors and audience aswell as the TV show itself.

3) I believe acting effects a film a lot, if there is a peice of extremely bad acting it can completely put someone off watching that certain film. It's also the same as over acting, which has the potential to be really cringey. However, if the acting is brilliant it connects the audience more making it more believeable and reliable. It can also make the film a lot more dramatic and emotional, it can either make a film or break it.
4) I believe mise en scene isn't as important as the acting however still plays a large part in a performance. Acting involves the audience in the film whereas mise en scene is just there and always will be. However they are both extremely important and a film/tv show wouldn't be as effective or dramatic without one or the other.

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