Thursday 3 May 2012



Stereotypes: -
American high schools always have certain cliques who all act a certain way.
The plastics: Also known as the popular people. Always mean to others. Think they are better than everyone else in the school. Act like the rule the school, others are scared of them and walk on egg shells around them. Everyone hates them yet wants to be one of them too.
Cheerleaders: Short skirts, dumb, slutty; always obsess over the ‘jocks’. Think they’re something they’re not.
The ditzy blond, a rich bitchy girl, they are spoiled, fake personalities, promiscuous, manipulative and not very bright. Those are the obvious stereotypes.
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GLEE - E4 for series 1 & 2 changed to sky one for series 3 airs at 9 o’clock.
Stereotypes: -
THE DUMB BLONDE: Brittany is stereotyped as the ‘dumb blonde’ as she always makes stupid comments, and is generally confused throughout the majority of the show. She doesn’t usually get jokes or when someone is explaining anything. She is also a cheerleader, which means she has two kind of stereotypes attached to her, such as getting around the guys a lot.

THE BAD BOY: Puck is the general bad boy who messes around girls, bullies people who are bellow him in the social chain, and thinks he can get away with everything. He is also a jock and is good looking which attracts people to him.

Typical posh person who looks down on everyone else who doesn’t have money.
He was born into a rich family therefore lives of inheritance. Looks down on ‘high street shoppers’.

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